Foliar Nitrogen & Nutrition with Joel Williams | In-Person Workshop | Perenjori

Yarra Yarra Catchment Group are presenting a full-day workshop with internationally renowned plant and soil health educator, Joel Williams from Integrated Soils on Wed 6 March.

Joel will delve into the world of nitrogen nutrition and foliar feeding to improve nitrogen use efficiency for broadacre farming.

Topics covered include:

  • Why foliar nutrition
  • Uptake and utilisation of different forms of Nitrogen
  • Foliar fertilisation: the benefits for plants and soil
  • Foliar feeding: limitations and opportunities
  • Plant analysis – testing brix levels and using plant sap analysis
  • Designing successful foliar applications
  • Urea based foliars
  • Nitrogen use efficiency: Soil vs foliar

Plenty of time for questions and discussion

Event details:

Cost: $55 for farmers, $75 for industry

Event Details

DATE: 06/03/2024
FROM: 9:00am
TO: 4:30pm
LOCATION: Perenjori Sports Pavillion
INDUSTRY: All Industries

Organiser details

CONTACT: Lizzie King
PHONE: 0408 934 153
EMAIL: landcarecoordinator@yarrayarracatchment.org.au
ORGANISATION: Yarra Yarra Catchment Groupd

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