Landscape Rehydration Workshop | In-Person & Field Walk | Quindanning

Landscape Rehydration

Peel Harvey Catchment Council are holding a workshop detailing landscape rehydration with Mulloon Institute Landscape Planner Lance Mudgway.

Lance will share what landscape rehydration is, how it is achieved and what the benefits of it are to farming enterprises and the wider catchment.

This information session will be followed by a field walk for attendees to see issues and potential issues and to discuss these with Lance.
Event details:

Cost: Free (registrations are essential)

This Regenerative Agriculture event is made possible thanks to RegenWA and funding from Lotterywest. RegenWA is powered by the Perth NRM Restoration Impact Framework project with funding from Lotterywest, and Commonland.

Event Details

DATE: 21/03/2024
FROM: 9:00am
TO: 12:00pm
LOCATION: Quindanning (specific location provided upon registration)
INDUSTRY: All Industries

Organiser details

ORGANISATION: Peel Harvey Catchment Council

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