Event evaluations: What do our feedback surveys tell us?

RegenWA, through the Lotterywest supported project “A collective impact approach to restoring natural capital”, have run 37 events since the project began in 2023. These events have identified and supported farming practices that restore beneficial natural capital.

The collection of over 400 feedback surveys has allowed us to better understand our event strengths, areas for improvement, demand for particular topics and events, and the impact of these events.

Here’s a summary of what survey results have revealed so far…

  • ‘Interesting and informative’ and ‘quality presenters’ were the most frequently mentioned pieces of positive feedback.
  • Of those who provided additional feedback containing suggestions for improvement, requests for more time for in the field involving practical knowledge sharing, and more sharing of technical information were more common than any other remarks.
  • Topics in highest demand for future events include nutrition farming and biological farming.
  • 99% of attendees reported learning something new, with nutrition farming and water management emerging as the most frequently cited new key learnings.
  • 91% of participants planned to action something following the event.
  • Assessment and monitoring, and seeking more information were the most identified first actions attendees planned post-event, followed by incorporating biological inputs.
  • Check-in/follow-up conversations conducted with attendees in the months following these events revealed that 47% had implemented something from the event, while 26% indicated that the event reinforced actions they were already planning or undertaking.


Have something to add? We’d love to hear from you! Get in touch with Carrie at




INDUSTRY: All Industries
