Thanks for a great conference!

The 2023 Regenerative Agriculture Conference was recently held in Margaret River, building on the wave of momentum for regenerative agriculture here in WA.

Held at the Margaret River Heart – Nala Bardip Mia (Our Story House), on Wadandi Boodja Countr – the conference was hugely successful. More than 300 attendees from across Western Australia and interstate came together to soak up all the incredible knowledge being shared by presenters and other participants.

The conference kicked off with a full day of workshops and a screening of the short film ‘Rachel’s Farm’. The main event got underway on Wednesday, with Anthony James (from the RegenNarration podcast) doing a great job of guiding us through two jam-packed days, filled with inspiring and expert knowledge including speakers from near and far, including interstate and the USA.

On Friday attendees had the opportunity to finalise their conference experience by visiting local farms and see firsthand many of the regenerative principles they had learnt about being used practically.

A massive thank you to the conference organisers, partners, sponsors, steering committee, speakers, field tour hosts and attendees for making the conference such an amazing event. There was a great feeling of positivity and excitement about the direction of regenerative agriculture and the opportunities it presents for farmers and our natural environment.

The Shire of Augusta Margaret River did a great job organising the conference, in partnership with the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development’s Agriculture Climate Resilience Fund, Perth NRM, RegenWA, Southwest NRM and Business Events Perth.

The event was sponsored by Carbon Sync Australia, Wide Open Agriculture, Commonland, Southern Cross University, Smart Soils Australia, and guided by the conference steering committee, which included conference partners in addition to Lower Blackwood LCDC and Lower Southwest Growers Group.

Have a look at some photos from the event below. We look forward to doing it again in two years time!

Regen Conference 2023



INDUSTRY: All Industries
