Make your Hectare Count! Empowering Peri-Urban Landholders


It is estimated there is more than 15,000 ‘lifestyle properties’ in the Perth Metropolitan Region. If you own a small rural property, you are part of a group of land managers who can play an important role in maintain and improving the health of our natural environment. Your actions can mean the difference between maintaining a healthy, sustainable environment, or one that declines over time.

In recognition of the role landholders play in keeping our environment healthy, Perth NRM are pleased to be continuing work with small landholders in Perth’s important peri-urban region to facilitate on-farm workshops and field days focusing on regenerative natural resource management practices.

Topics such as soil health and testing, pasture management, protection of remnant vegetation and composting will be covered.

The workshops will answer your questions about land management and provide you with practical tips to start implementing on your property straight away. You will also join a group of like-minded people working towards improving wildlife corridors and waterways – creating a healthy environment for future generations.

You will have the opportunity to ask presenters questions and share experiences about your own property management.

If you own or lease a small rural property and would like to upskill on soil health, water use, biodiversity management, and fire management then please contact us to express your interest in participating in the project.

For further information on the Make your Hectare Count project please contact: Bonnie Jupp, RegenWA Program Manager at


Project details

CONTENT TYPE: Participate
INDUSTRY: Small Landholder
START DATE: 1 January 2024

Project contact

Bonnie Jupp
RegenWA Program Manager
Perth NRM
