RegenWA has partnered with Perth NRM on a research project that will assist farmers to make informed management decisions, enhance communication of their
environmental performance, and ultimately improve their land stewardship practices.
The summary report for this project was published on August 27, 2024, and is available here.
Our farming enterprises are underpinned by ‘natural capital’ which helps to generate ecosystem services for food production. The land management practices of farmers are directly associated with the inherent value and productive capacity (natural capital) of farmland.
We have worked with 20 properties across WA to help develop the tools, techniques and measures to create a Natural Capital Accounting framework* that will help guide policy and resources for the agricultural sector.
What is involved in the Natural Capital Accounting project?
We have undertaken on-farm assessments of the ecological assets of each property as well as the collection of farm production data (of up to 5 years). These assessments focused on aspects of:
Participants have received:
For further information on the NCA project please contact the project manager.
NCA is aligned to the United Nations System of Environmental-Economic accounting used by governments for economic analysis and policy design.
Soil Wise is funded by the National Landcare Program Smart Farms Small Grants – an Australian Government initiative. It is supported by Healthy Estuaries WA – a State Government program.
Perth NRM and RegenWA acknowledge the significant early support of the State Natural Resource Management Program, and its critical role in establishing RegenWA.