Economics of drought: Investing in nature-based solutions for drought resilience

As droughts fueled by human destruction of the environment are projected to affect three in four people by 2050, investing in sustainable land and water management is essential to reduce their costs, which already exceed $307 billion per year globally.

Drawing on a wealth of evidence and case studies from various countries, this report makes the business case for nature-based solutions to drought — practices that restore ecosystem functions and soil health to enhance water cycling, storage, and supply in support of human wellbeing — for example, reforestation, grazing management, and the management, restoration and conservation of watersheds.

The report references case studies from Australia, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Chile, India, Jordan, Kenya, South Africa, Spain and Tunisia.

Economics of drought — investing in nature-based solutions for drought resilience | UNCCD

Resource details

MEDIA TYPE: Research Paper, Study
INDUSTRY: All Industries

Resource information

TITLE: Economics of drought
PUBLISHER: United Nations University Institute for Water, Environment and Health (UNU-INWEH), Economics of Land Degradation Initiative (ELD), UNCCD
DATE: 2 December 2024
