Welcome to RegenWA
RegenWA is a community of like-minded farmers, industry stakeholders and consumers. We have a farmer-led advisory committee and the Chair is a WA farmer from the Wheatbelt.
RegenWA was established by Perth NRM in 2017 to support innovative Western Australian farmers to implement and share evidence-based regenerative agriculture practices that help restore the beneficial natural assets (the ‘natural capital’) on farms, which our food systems depend on.
We collaborate with WA farmers and industry groups to provide affordable field days and workshops, online educational events, and website resources to support regenerative agriculture in Western Australia.
“Regenerative Agriculture: an ecological approach to farming that allows landscapes to renew themselves” – (Massy, 2018)
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We want to work with you
Farmers in WA are increasingly faced with challenges such as rising input costs and a drying climate, which is why we support farmers to identify and share innovative practices that help restore the productive capacity of their land and reduce their dependence on costly inputs.
By bringing together and sharing the latest evidence-based regenerative practices and projects that are happening around the state, RegenWA aims to broaden the uptake of sustainable land management practices, secure WA’s food production, and create a future that everyone can be proud to pass onto the next generation.
RegenWA is eager to collaborate with local farmers and industry stakeholders to support projects that align with our purpose. We actively collaborate with more than 20 organisations linked to food and climate industries across Western Australia.
Key Activities
- Creating a community network of like‐minded farmers and interested stakeholders to share insights and experiences of regenerative agriculture.
- Providing free and affordable in‐person and online educational events and resources to support adoption of regenerative agriculture.
- Providing farmers with opportunities to be involved in research, trials, conferences and other activities, to demonstrate the benefits of regenerative agriculture.
- To encourage a diverse and inclusive community, anyone with an interest in regenerative and sustainable agriculture can access information and resources here on our website and join the community, free of charge.

UN Sustainability Goals
There are 17 Sustainable Development Goals which have been outlined by the United Nations. The goals are a call for action by all countries to promote prosperity while protecting the planet. These goals recognise that ending poverty must go hand-in-hand with strategies that build economic growth and address a range of social needs while tackling climate change and environmental protection.
A report has been written assessing Perth NRM and RegenWA’s alignment with the 17 Sustainability Develpoment Goals. It highlights which of the goals PerthNRM and RegenWA activities are currently linked to, showcasing their alignment with an international goal framework.