Lower Blackwood Catchment LCDC are delivering a 4-day course in May with David Hardwick from Soil Land Food.
The course will provide you with the opportunity to learn how to design and plan a healthy, resilient and productive rural landscape for your farm business.
You will learn:
- how to “see” your landscape using landscape thinking
- about Landscape Patches: the pieces of your farm’s landscape jigsaw
- the water and nutrient cycles in rural landscapes
- how energy flows and biodiversity functions in rural landscapes
- climate, landforms & soil types on your property
- about the landscape and agricultural elements of rural planning
- the different approaches to property planning
- the 10 steps to effective property planning
You will also:
- use maps for property planning
- set goals for your farm’s rural landscape & enterprises
- assess your farm’s rural landscape
- identify & prioritise issues
- brainstorm strategies for improvement
- develop a Farm Plan for a sustainable future