Thirty people gathered in Perenjori on March 7th for the Foliar Nutrition for Broadacre Farming Workshop, facilitated by Joel Williams.
Most of the participants in the room were farmers and out of those, most with mixed cropping and livestock enterprises.
The day was organised by Yarra Yarra Catchment Management Group and supported by RegenWA as part of Perth NRM’s Restoration Impact Framework project. This project is funded by Lotterywest and Commonland. Find out more about the project here.
The day was an opportunity for the farmers to take practical information back to the farm and trial new methods in their systems.
The key topics farmers wanted Joel to cover included soil water, soil carbon, the chemistry of foliar nutrition, biology and low fertility sands.
Joel delved into the fundamentals of photosynthesis and the importance of macro and micro nutrients in this process to facilitate building sugars and secondary metabolites.
Some of the feedback from the day included:
If you missed the workshop but want to know more about what Joel talked about, you can listen to this Soils for Life podcast featuring Joel here:–with-Joel-Williams-e2flqmc/a-aav2q2o
It was a fantastic day, with great interaction & discussion in the room.
This Regenerative Agriculture event is made possible thanks to RegenWA and funding from Lotterywest. RegenWA is powered by the Perth NRM Restoration Impact Framework project with funding from Lotterywest, and Commonland.
Soil Wise is funded by the National Landcare Program Smart Farms Small Grants – an Australian Government initiative. It is supported by Healthy Estuaries WA – a State Government program.
Perth NRM and RegenWA acknowledge the significant early support of the State Natural Resource Management Program, and its critical role in establishing RegenWA.