Regenerative Agriculture: Understanding the Intent, the Practices, the Benefits and Disbenefits

We are looking for up to 10 more WA farmers to join this project. Follow the link for more information about participating: Click here.

With the growing recognition and uptake of regenerative agriculture, now is the time to validate claims, discover what works where, understand co-benefits, and define what this means to the industry.

To achieve this, Perth NRM has partnered with Southern Cross University on a research project to verify impacts of regenerative agriculture on grain farms. By gathering robust scientific data, this project aims to better equip landholders to confidently make evidence-based decisions, while strengthening trust in regenerative agriculture practices more broadly.

Titled “Regenerative Agriculture: Understanding the Intent, the Practices, the Benefits and Disbenefits,” the project utilises local knowledge and expertise of farmers and other key persons in the region to build understandings of regenerative agriculture, with the intent of working towards a useful definition; to identify adaptive and innovative practices; and to identify indicators and measures, to help drive greater industry sustainability and productivity.


Indicators being evaluated for their effectiveness in measuring the impact of regenerative practices include:

-Soil samples at varied depths (physical, chemical, biological, and a 1m core for classification)

-eDNA samples (soil and pollinators)

-Ground cover data


-Insect surveys

-Bird surveys


Regular updates are being held between the project team and participating farmers to facilitate opportunities for open discussions, questions, real-time feedback, and peer to peer learning.


There are currently 10 (of the 50 nationally) WA cropping farmers participating that we have already visited in 2024.

These farms are located in Pingrup, Woottating, South Tammin, Eneabba, Warradage, Calingiri, Geraldton, Frankland River, Woogenellup, and Mount Barker.


This critical work has been funded by the Grains Research and Development Corporation.

You can read more about the project here.


Project details

CONTENT TYPE: Participate
INDUSTRY: Cropping

Project contact

David Broadhurst
Senior Manager - Sustainable Agriculture
Perth NRM
