Get involved in your community to build connections and make a positive impact close to home.
These are just some of the ways we suggest you get involved.
- Join RegenWA’s community – In becoming a member of RegenWA, you will recieve a bi-monthly newsletter with updates on events, news, grant opportunities and more. It is free to join and we encourage you to reach out to us to let us know how we can further support you.
- Attend a local event to meet like-minded farmers and industry representatives. Check in with our ‘Events’ page as we update it regularly with local and relevant events that may be of interest to you.
- Explore our resources – a great place to start to inform yourself about regenerative practices and their benefits. By understanding the principles behind regenerative agriculture, you’ll be better equipped to support and advocate for its adoption.
- Utilise local projects, events, resources and updates from your local groups:
- WA Landcare Network – landcare groups
- NRM Regions Australia – Natural Resource Management catchment groups
- Grower Group Alliance – grower groups
- Join an existing online group or hub. Here are some Facebook groups and online networks we know of:
- Regenerative Agriculture South Western Australia
- Regenerative Farming Australia
- Regenerative Agriculture
- Just One Paddock
- ‘Talkin’ After Hours’ – Online Community and Information Hub powered by the Lower Blackwood LCDC
- Carbon8 Community of Practice
- Be a conscious consumer
- Create a wildlife-friendly garden with support from ReWild Perth

Have you got other useful links you'd like us to include on this page?
Send us an email with the details and we’ll add them in.
Join our community
RegenWA welcomes anyone with an interest in regenerative and sustainable agriculture to join our community. Members get bi-monthly newsletters with updates about what's happening in the regenerative agriculture space.