17th and 18th of September 2025
Optus Stadium
Everything is interconnected – the environment, food security and public health – but they are frequently treated in isolation.
At RegenWA we know that by working together and leading by example, we can transform our food systems to enhance soil health, improve ecosystem function, and support both human health and food security.
From the grower to government, the home cook to wholesaler and everyone in-between, we all have a role to play in transforming our fragmented food systems. This can only be achieved through collective responsibility and action.
In September 2025 RegenWA will facilitate international discussion on how to drive change through our food systems.
This conference will showcase local and international farmers, leaders, decision makers, advisors sharing experiences and knowledge with innovative and collaborative programs already transforming our food systems.
Since the initial 2019 Regenerative Agriculture Conference the conversation has matured.
In 2023 RegenWA partnered with the Shire of Margaret River to deliver a regionally based conference. In 2025 we aim to further demonstrate our leadership in fostering innovative solutions and approaches to these complex issues.
The conversations are fast moving, research needs to keep pace, now is the time to bring everyone together to raise the bar and drive the impact we all seek. Our climate is drying, it is imperative we act quickly!
Add the date to your calendar and head to regenwa.com to subscribe for conference updates via the newsletter.
For further information contact:
Conference Coordinator Shay Duncan E: conference@regenwa.com