Podcast: Speaking About Soil with Matthew Evans

Tune into this podcast with renowned author and farmer, Matthew Evans, talk about his engaging speaking tour across five regional WA communities and about the everyday importance of soil, referencing his 2021 publication of the same name.

Matthew’s high profile attracted over 1,000 people, ranging from conscientious urbanites, home gardeners, commercial market gardeners through to broadacre farmers enthusiastic to learn more about soil and how DPIRD’s Climate Resilience Program is playing an active role in building climate resilience in regional communities.

Matthew Evans provided feedback about his experience in WA – with a key observation being “Western Australians are really hungry for knowledge about soil, from farmers right through to consumers, perhaps more so than any other states, possibly because they have to deal with the unique climate and soil conditions”.

The partnership included Perth NRM| RegenWA. the Institute of Regenerative Leadership, Certified Organic Biodynamic WA, South Coast NRM, Merredin & Districts Farm Improvement Group, Wheatbelt NRM, Northern Agricultural Catchment Committee, Galloway Springs and the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development Perth Hills and Swan Valley Project.


Resource details

INDUSTRY: All Industries

Resource information

TITLE: The Contribution Podcast: Speaking About Soil with Matthew Evans
PUBLISHER: Institute of Regenerative Leadership